““This experience changed my life...””
Junior Counselors
The 2025 Junior Counselor application is LIVE now! Apply today!
Our Junior Counselor program is for high school students who have completed 10th-12th grade. As a Junior Counselor, you will spend two weeks volunteering at camp. Each week you’ll be assigned a camper group, working with our summer staff to help lead a small group of kids. These kids will think you are the coolest person in the world, and you'll get to share in their life and their faith. You'll be mentored by our summer staff and encouraged as you follow Jesus Christ. And you'll get to be part of an unforgettable community with your fellow JC's.
Serving in the Junior Counselor Program is challenging. You will experience long days and be expected to put aside your own needs and desires for the needs of the team. It will also be one of the best experiences of your life. You get to share truth and love with campers who desperately need to hear it, and experience living a life that Jesus has called you for.
Application Process
You have to apply to be a Junior Counselor. You don’t have to be perfect (we’ll help you grow). You don’t have to be familiar with camp (we love new people). But you do need to have a heart to serve others and able to serve as a Christian role model to our campers.
Before you apply you will need:
Names and email addresses for two references - at least one must be a pastor/youth leader. (Make sure to ask them if they’re willing to serve as your reference!)
A basic idea of your summer availability so that you can accurately select which sessions you will be available for.
How to Apply
Step One: Fill out the 2025 Junior Counselor Application. (Will be available starting November 1st, 2024.)
Step Two: Provide the recommendation form link to your two references and follow up with them to make sure they have completed it by February 1, 2025. (Camp Luther does not send out this reference form - it is your responsibility to provide the online reference form link to your two selected references so they can fill it out.)
For your references: choose two adults (who are NOT related to you/your friends/etc.) to serve as your references and send them the recommendation form to fill out. At least one adult you choose must be a pastor/youth leader. (Someone who can speak directly about your personal faith life.) Two references are required to complete your application, so make sure you send the recommendation form link to the people you ask to serve as your reference and also follow up with them to make sure they have completed it before the February 1st deadline.
Important Information
Application Timeline:
The Junior Counselor application for Summer 2025 will go live on November 1, 2024.
Completed applications are due by February 1, 2025.
If you missed the application deadline but are still interested in applying to be a Junior Counselor at Camp Luther this summer, please contact Taj at taj@campluther.com.
After submitting your application, you will be contacted by Camp Luther staff with information about setting up an interview time together.
Final decisions regarding who has been selected to serve as a Junior Counselor will be made at the end of February. Applicants can expect to be contacted at the beginning of March regarding whether or not they have been selected.
Selection Information:
Camp Luther selects around 75 Junior Counselors to serve each summer. The sessions are 2 weeks long except for Session 2 which will be 1 week due to our High School Week. Each session is filled with 15 Junior Counselors.
On a typical year, we receive close to 100 applications to serve as a Junior Counselor. This makes for a challenging selection process. Junior Counselor selections are made based on a variety of different factors, including strength of your application, references, and interview; as well as summer availability. In general, we try to give as many people as possible the opportunity to serve as a Junior Counselor--if you apply as a sophomore or junior and are not selected, we highly encourage you to apply again the next year!
Having served as a Junior Counselor a previous summer is not a guarantee that you will be selected should you choose to apply the following summer. You are still required to go through the application process.
Training Weekend
Date for our pre-summer training weekend will be set later on this year. Attending this weekend is strongly encouraged if you are selected to serve as a Junior Counselor.
Program Information:
Your time at Camp Luther will primarily be spent serving a small group of campers and leading them through their week at camp as part of a team led by our summer staff. In addition, you will be spend time training, growing as a community, building your faith, and helping serve Camp Luther through a variety of different cleaning assignments and work projects.
This year's session dates are as follows:
Session 1: June 7 - 21
Session 2: June 20 - June 29*
Session 3: July 5 - 19
Session 4: July 19 - August 2
Session 5: August 2 - 16
*Session 2 (June 20- June 29) is only ONE WEEK long to accommodate our High School Week program during the summer.
Session Start/End Times
Plan on checking-in for your session at 10:00 am on the Saturday your session begins. Plan on checking-out from Camp Luther at 2:00 pm on the Saturday your session ends. Any changes to check-in/check-out times for individual sessions will be communicated before you arrive at Camp Luther.
Junior Counselor Training Weekend
2025 Junior Counselors, we’re excited to invite you to register for our upcoming Junior Counselor Training Weekend, taking place at Camp Luther! Dates are TBD The purpose of this weekend is to help equip you to serve as a Junior Counselor at Camp Luther this summer. We strongly encourage all Summer 2025 JCs to attend this retreat. (Although we recognize that depending on travel distance and individual schedules, it may not be possible for some people.)
For those who are able to attend, it will be an opportunity to build connections and relationships with your fellow JCs, as we begin equipping you and laying a foundation for the leadership and ministry you will be part of this summer. We hope to see you there!
Where: Camp Luther
When: TBD - Check-in for the weekend will be from 6:30 pm -7:30 pm on Friday. Pick-up will be at 10:30 am on Sunday.
Who: All Summer 2025 Junior Counselors are encouraged to attend.
What: Build relationships with your fellow JCs, engage with sessions focused on building you up in your leadership and faith, work together on camp-focused service projects, and have a blast hanging out and having fun at camp!
Cost: There is a $60 registration fee for this weekend This helps Camp Luther cover meals and staffing costs for the weekend.
Questions: Contact Taj at taj@campluther.com.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much time do I get off during my JC session?
Serving as a Junior Counselor, most of your days will be spent being with your camper group and helping to serve the ministry of camp. There will be some time set aside during the weekend in between your first and second week at camp for you to relax and hang out with your fellow JCs, as well as enjoy the fun of camp. Otherwise, expect to work hard and have a blast serving at camp!
What if I've never been to Camp Luther before? Can I still serve as a JC?
Absolutely! We welcome any high school students looking to grow in their leadership and faith to apply to be a Junior Counselor. Your service as a JC will likely challenge you in different ways than someone who is more familiar with our summer programs, but the training we provide will get you up to speed in no time.
The session dates I'm available for have changed. How do I let you know?
PLEASE let us know immediately if there is a change to the available dates that you indicated on your application. We rely on this information to be able to fill our different sessions, and changes in this information can have significant consequences if we are not informed before final selections are made. If you need to change the session dates you are available for, please email Taj at taj@campluther.com with the changes.
I applied and was interviewed, but am no longer going to be able to be a Junior Counselor this summer. Should I tell someone?
YES. If you are no longer able to serve as a Junior Counselor, please email Taj at taj@campluther.com as soon as possible to let us know. Otherwise, you may be taking a spot away from someone else who would really love to serve at camp this summer.
Can I do laundry while I'm at Camp Luther?
Yes! The weekend in between your first and second week at camp there will be time set aside for you to do laundry using camp's facilities.
Am I allowed to have my phone during my JC session?
In order to encourage our Junior Counselors to be intentional about community building and to remain focused on their campers, we do not allow Junior Counselors to have their phone with them during the week. There will be time set aside on the weekend for you to check your phone, touch base with family/friends, etc. We want to encourage you to be present during your experience here, and limiting technology use is a part of this. Should you need to call home, or if your family needs to get in touch with you due to an emergency situation, Camp Luther staff will be able to facilitate this process.
How much does it cost to be a part of the Junior Counselor program?
The Junior Counselor program is ABSOLUTELY FREE. Camp also provides you with room and board, and a JC t-shirt. In addition, you will become part of a tight-knit community of friends, grow as a leader, make wonderful memories, and grow in your own faith while sharing the Gospel with others through your words and service.
Have further questions? Email Taj at taj@campluther.com with any questions you have.