“I can’t explain it, but when we are there, my heart just feels full and at peace.”
Through excellent Christian educational programs, staffing and facilities, Camp Luther effectively and incredibly transforms lives. The beautiful and natural setting, provided through God’s creation makes these programs even more powerful. Providing the highly skilled staff, designing excellent educational programs, maintaining facilities, and being stewards of over 215 acres of God’s beautiful creation requires significant resources.
The Outdoor Ministry Fund is critical in maintaining the quality of these life-impacting experiences. Investments in this fund will enable Camp Luther to expand and enhance programming for children, families, and groups at Camp Luther and Keweenaw Base Camp. Through God’s grace and provision, Camp Luther will continue to offer an exceptional Outdoor Ministry experience.
The Opportunity
Grow annual unrestricted investments to $350,000 to continue to offer exceptional Outdoor Ministry programming.
what will be the impact?
The Outdoor Ministry Fund is essential for Camp Luther to fulfill its vision for an exemplary year-round and summer staff, excellent camps and retreats, and quality facilities:
Camp Luther’s exemplary staff is its greatest resource. A fully funded Outdoor Ministry Fund means Camp Luther can provide new opportunities for the spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness of the staff, through professional growth, mentoring, leadership training, personal development, and more.
Camp Luther is known for its excellent camps and retreats. A fully funded Outdoor Ministry Fund will allow for the expansion and enhancement of current programming and allow Camp Luther to reach out to more children, adults, and families with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Caring for Camp Luther’s facilities and equipment means that everyone who visits Camp can have a great experience. A fully funded Outdoor Ministry Fund will allow Camp Luther to maintain a high level of care for all the incredible resources God has provided. For information on upcoming projects please contact the Camp office at 715-546-3647.
Through you, Camp Luther will reach out to thousands of children, adults, and families with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.