Camp Luther would not be what it is without YOUR hard work! Volunteers are essential to the ministry that happens at camp - we simply couldn’t do it without you!

We would love to get you involved at camp. If you would like to volunteer at camp, check out the programs below, email, or call our office at 715-546-3647.

Current Volunteer Needs | Workbee Weekends | Volunteer Week | Volunteer Village |

| Medic of the Week | Frequently Asked Questions

Current Volunteer Needs!

There is always something going on at Camp Luther! We love our volunteers and Camp would not run without them. Below is the current needs we have for volunteers in this season. If you are available for these dates please contact us at


  • April 21-25, 2025 - Volunteer Work Week

  • April 25-27, 2025 - Spring Workbee Weekend


  • March 29, 2025 - LWML Retreat

  • April 21-25, 2025 - Volunteer Work Week

  • April 25-27, 2025 - Spring Workbee Weekend

  • May 6-9, 2025 - Outdoor Education Retreat

  • May 13-16, 2025 - Outdoor Education Retreat

  • May 16-18, 2025 - Men’s Group

  • May 19-25, 2025 - Summer Program Staff Training


Plan to join us for the next Workbee Weekend. You'll enjoy the atmosphere, the fellowship, and even the work!

Click here for the previous Workbee Weekend Schedule

Workbee weekendS

April 25-27, 2025

Free for Adults and Families!

Make a world of difference in just one weekend! Workbee Weekend volunteers are crucial to the ministry that happens at camp. The weekend includes 5 meals, evening devotions, and of course plenty of time for work assignments. Projects vary, but there is something for everyone.

Workbees begin on Friday, April 25th, with registration between 7-8 pm, followed by an orientation and evening devotion. The work weekend concludes on Sunday, April 27th, after lunch. Participants work all day Saturday and Sunday morning on assigned work projects. Housing and meals are provided FREE of charge. And there are plenty of delicious snacks as well!

One-day participants are welcome also. Children (over 5) and youth are placed in adult-led teams for work projects.

Volunteer Week

April 21-25, 2025

Join Camp Luther and Johnson Brothers Construction of Munising, MI, for this week of service and fellowship.

Come for all or a portion of the week. Projects begin on Monday April 21st, at 11:30 am with lunch and volunteer orientation. Meals and housing are provided at no cost to you - thanks for volunteering!

SUMMER Volunteer Village and RV Program

What is Volunteer Village? We built rustic cabins for volunteers to utilize in the summer to add to our volunteer program and increase the ministry impact that happens at camp. Each cabin will have space for 5 people to sleep, with 2 bunkbeds in a full-twin and twin-twin format.

You can also sign up to be an RV Volunteer! If you have time, willingness to serve, and an RV come to camp this summer and stay in Volunteer Village. In the Volunteer Village Camp Luther offers 3 RV sites including water and 30 Amp power connection. Sewer dump is available on property but not offered as full hook-ups!

For additional information about the program click the button below. For any further information and to apply please reach out via email to

Mike and Mary Litner serve as the Volunteer Village Hosts all summer long. They keep the cabins looking nice and make sure to welcome everyone that comes to camp, especially the amazing volunteers. They love Camp Luther deeply and have been volunteering for over 20 years! Thank you Mike and Mary!

Summer Medic-of-the-Week Volunteer Program

Volunteer at camp this summer as a Medic-of-the-Week! Our volunteer medic position comes to camp for a week (from Sunday to Sunday) and helps care for the medical needs and safety of campers, staff, and guests at Camp Luther. This includes helping with the collection and distribution of all camper medications, treating injuries and illnesses of all kinds, and being available to our staff throughout the week for medically-related questions and needs.

All weeks are currently filled for Summer 2025 - please contact Rocky at if you’d like to be placed on our interest list for future years.

*If you most recently served as a volunteer medic prior to Summer 2023, please fill out the “New Medics” application form.

Qualifications: To volunteer as a medic, you must be a physician, physician assistant, registered nurse, practical nurse, EMT, or hold a similar qualification and be currently licensed to practice in the state of Wisconsin. (If you have questions about if you qualify, please email Rocky at

Dates: We need volunteer medics to serve each week of the summer, beginning the week of June 8 and finishing the week of August 10. Volunteer medics serve for one week at a time, with each volunteer session running from Sunday to Sunday.

Housing and Meals: While at camp, volunteer medics are provided a room in our retreat center, which has dorm style housing (each room has two single beds and one bunk bed) and shared community bathrooms. Meals are provided for the entirety of your stay, along with use of a kitchen space for any snacks or food you'd like to bring with you. 

Families: Volunteer medics are welcome to bring their immediate family to camp with them, but please be aware that there will be times as a result of your duties that you will be unable to directly supervise any children who are with you.

Expectations: In this role you will be directly interacting with kids of all ages, from preschool all the way up to our college-aged staff. You will often be the "point person" in helping to care for the many unique issues and incidents that may occur in a camp setting - from homesickness manifesting itself as a stomach ache, to normal viruses and colds, to scrapes, bumps, bruises, and occasionally more serious situations like broken bones or concussions. It is vitally important to us that all volunteer medics have a strong sense of duty and compassion in caring for our campers at the same level of care--or higher--that campers would receive if they were home with their parents.

Application Process: If you are interested in serving as a volunteer medic for Summer 2025, please click the “Apply” button above to fill out an application. We will collect applications through December 1 before making our initial date assignments - we will be communicating with everyone who applies by December 1 with more information regarding date assignments and serving this summer.

  • “New” Medics - Please fill out this application if you have not served as a volunteer medic previously, or if your most recent time serving was prior to 2023.

  • “Returning” Medics - Please fill out this application if you served as a volunteer medic in 2023 or 2024.

Selection Criteria: We look for a mix of returning Volunteer Medics and new individuals to fill our summer. Medics will be selected based on a number of factors including medical background/certification/experience, experience working with kids, camp experience, and past performance (if applicable). Before applying, please read through the Information Packet linked above.

Questions? Contact Rocky at with questions or for more information about our Medic of the Week program.

Volunteering Frequently Asked Questions

  • Contact Camp Luther at (715) 546-3647 or with an email.

  • The length of your stay at camp depends largely on your availability. Come for the afternoon, a weekend, or a week! If you are volunteering to help with a specific project, the length of your volunteer time could also be impacted by the work that is happening with that project.

  • Volunteer projects can be anywhere on Camp Luther property. Just let us know whether you prefer to work inside or out, then we can plan and organize accordingly.

  • We have projects for both the skilled and the unskilled.

  • Electrical, plumbing, and wood working skills are some of the most critical needs we have at camp currently.

  • Paper filing, document organizing, cleaning, painting, moving items, detailed deep cleaning and much more.

  • We need volunteers on a year-round basis! Come anytime when scheduled with our Director Of Facilities. Weekdays are easiest to fit within the camp schedule, but weekends are also available when scheduled in advance.

  • Yes, meals are provided anytime the camp kitchen is in operation for a group. In addition, often times lunch or dinner will be provided by staff.