Each year, we rely on past staff volunteers coming and serving in key ways throughout the summer.
Give a week back. Serve as Legacy Staff this summer.
3/24/25 - Information has been updated for Summer 2025! Towards the end of April we’ll add the most up-to-date needs for this summer.
How can I help?
One of our most critical volunteer needs each summer is past summer staff and past Junior Counselors who are willing to come back to Camp Luther for a week in the trenches, working with our current summer staff to serve however is needed at camp. Often, that means serving in a counselor role, or it could look like joining the kitchen crew or serving in another specialty position. We know not everyone can give up a whole week of their time, and not everyone is looking to come back and serve as a counselor again. But it’s an incredible way to impact the ministry of Camp Luther by expanding our staffing reserves and providing the opportunity for more kids to come to camp.
Many people will devote time this summer for a mission trip with their church or other outreach opportunities. We want to encourage you to consider serving a mission a little closer to home. Kids need camp. And camp needs people like you.
What would I be doing?
As mentioned above, one of our biggest needs is for past Camp Luther summer staffers and JCs who are willing to give a week of their summer volunteering in whatever way is needed at camp. Often, that means serving in a counselor role, but here’s all the different ways to serve at camp this summer:
Counselor. Put on the bug spray and your patient pants and buckle up! To serve in a counselor role, in most cases we require you to have previously participated in our full summer staff training process.
Kitchen. Join our kitchen crew as a volunteer for the week, and spend your time working with Basil and our kitch staff to prepare meals, serve campers, wash dishes, and generally create shenanigans.
Float. Our float staff fill in a variety of ways behind the scenes, cover for counselors during their recharge times, and help with all the logistics that make a week at camp run smoothly!
Weekends. Come for a Kindercamp weekend and help lead one of our camper groups or serve in the kitchen. We also need volunteers to help supervise our Junior Counselor program over Staff Recharge weekend.
Specialty. Some weeks we will have a specific need and role we are looking to fill, whether that’s jumping in on Family Camp, helping out with our Junior Counselors, or serving as a lifeguard.
How do I sign up?
Option One: If you have some flexibility with your availability this summer and you’re open to volunteering whenever we might need you the most, fill out the Legacy Staff availability form and we’ll go from there.
Option Two: If you only have a specific week or time that you would be able to volunteer, you can email Kardia directly at kardia@campluther.com and let us know when you’d be able to help.
What are your biggest current needs?
If you’re able to wait until closer to May to finalize your volunteer dates, know that’s a big help! We have the best sense of what our true needs are towards the end of April - by that point we have a good sense of week by week camper numbers, have learned about summer staff time off and end date requests, and know where we’re sitting in terms of filling out our summer staff team.
In general, most weeks of the summer we could benefit from 1-2 Legacy Staff to help fill staffing gaps and provide extra help. Right now, here are some “pinch points” in the summer that we know for sure we’ll need the extra support:
Week 2 (June 15-20) - This week is currently bursting at the seams in terms of camper numbers. (And for some housing options, even overfilled.)
Staff Recharge Weekend (July 11-13) - Each summer we look for Legacy Staff to help work with our Junior Counselors and help out in the kitchen to allow our summer staff to intentionally recharge at the midpoint of the summer.
Kindercamp #3 (July 18-20) - This is a double IMPACT weekend, and we’ll also likely be missing some staff due to the LCMS National Youth Gathering.
Week 6.5 (July 16-18) - This is going to be a very full week, and the second part of this week is when we start to lose staff who are helping with the National Youth Gathering.
Week 7 (July 20-25) - It’s a National Youth Gathering year, and we’ll be missing multiple staff members this week who are involved with the gathering.
Week 9 (August 3-8) and Week 10 (August 10-15) - Usually by this point in the summer we’re down a couple of staff due to early end dates. Help us finish the summer strong!
As you can see, there are opportunities all throughout the summer! Feel free to connect with Kardia if you want more details or to hear the inside scoop on specific Legacy Staff needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where would I be staying?
Our Legacy Staff volunteers will be provided with a room in the Retreat Center. Depending on the week, you may be asked to share your room with another past staff volunteer. (And if you’re leading a camper group that’s staying in a village, plan on staying with that group out in the village for the week.)
Can I request to volunteer with a friend who is also a past summer staffer?
Absolutely! Feel free to use this as an opportunity for a mini staff reunion.
Can I serve as Legacy staff if I was a Junior Counselor?
Sure! We’d love to see you back at camp. One thing to know though - if you never served as a part of our summer staff team (and so never went through our full summer staff training), you won’t be able to serve on Legacy Staff in a counselor role.
Will I have any free time to relax at camp?
We invite all of our week-long volunteers to come early (or leave late) and spend a weekend relaxing at camp. Make sure you let us know ahead of time if you’re planning on taking advantage of this opportunity, so we can you set up with housing for the weekend.
Can I bring my family?
Is your spouse also a past Camp Luther summer staffer? (Or would they also be willing to help serve in some way during your time at camp?) If so, please bring ‘em along for the ride! If your family situation involves more than just a spouse, check out our Volunteer Village program for another way for you and your family to serve together at camp.
Do I get a t-shirt?
I’m glad you asked! Yes, we are designing incredibly cool, one-of-a-kind LEGACY STAFF t-shirts for our volunteers this summer who come and serve an entire week at camp. You remember how everyone wanted the leftover IMPACT and Quest t-shirts after the summer wrapped up? This t-shirt is going to be EVEN BETTER!
If you have any further questions or would like more information about volunteering as Legacy Staff this summer, please contact Kardia at kardia@campluther.com.