If you don’t currently receive the Connection, our monthly emailed newsletter, or the Breeze, our semi-annual printed newsletter, please email and let us know that you want to stay connected!
Spring 2023 Breeze
Fall 2023 Breeze
Spring 2024 Breeze
Fall 2024 Breeze
Outdoor Summer Worship
Join us for worship at 10:00 am each Sunday during the summer at our Outdoor Chapel!
If it's raining, we'll be in the Fellowship Hall. We hold worship all summer long!
Camp Gift Certificates
Good for the Canteen, a Summer Camp, or a Cottage Rental!
Available in any amount. Just tell us how many you would like.
Please call Camp at 715-546-3647. We can have your gift certificate out in a day or two.
Financials and Business
Camp Luther Logos & Images
Please use the images below to tell others about Camp Luther.
To download: Right-click (windows) or alt-click (mac) and select 'save image as...' or if your browser supports it, drag the logo to the folder of your choice on your computer. Please keep the following in mind:
The image may not be altered either textually or graphically.
The image may only be used for promotion - either church or group events, or for Camp Luther itself.
The image dimensions may be reduced, however the aspect ratio must be identical.
You may NOT use these images with intent to promote non-Camp Luther related material.
If you have any questions or hesitation, please contact us for explicit permission.