Heart-challenging | Leadership-building
Jesus-following | Life-changing
Camp Luther Service Weeks use the context of service to immerse your group in the story of how God is calling them to lead and serve in His kingdom. Pursue what it means to love Jesus and love like Jesus by taking part in different service opportunities designed to engage your group and challenge them to live out their faith in the world around them. This program combines intentional service with meaningful programming, incredible staff, and outdoor adventure to create a life-impacting experience.
Important Information
You’re welcome to bring both middle school and high school youth to our Service Weeks. Don’t forget your awesome adult leaders too!
$350 per person
Adult Leaders:
Camp Luther requires one adult leader per eight youth, with at least one male adult and one female adult for co-ed groups. Any required adults attend the program at NO COST, thanks to our generous donors.
Available Dates:
The following weeks are available for our Service Week program:
June 8-13
June 21-27
July 6-11
Additional weeks are available throughout the summer for smaller groups. (<15 people)
Groups will be housed in Camp Luther’s “Villages” - themed rustic cabins in the woods that are broken up into rooms of 4 people each. All villages share a central showerhouse.
June 8-13: Pioneer/Birch Knoll
June 21-27: Pioneer/Sleepy Hollow
July 6-11: Pioneer/Sleepy Hollow
Additional Weeks: Housing in Sleepy Hollow (army-style platform tents with bunk beds)
Click here to learn more about our housing options.
Plan on arriving with your group Sunday afternoon around 4:00pm. The week will conclude Friday morning at 11:00am.
All meals are included in the cost of the week and will be provided starting with Sunday supper and ending with Friday breakfast.
Group Size:
Maximum capacity for this program is 30 people.
How to Register:
Download a copy of the registration form here. Fill out the registration form and return it to Camp Luther with your deposit in order to reserve your group's week.
Contact Taj (Camp Luther's Specialty Program Manager) at taj@campluther.com with questions or to request more information.
More About Your Week
What to Expect:
Community building throughout the week
Morning worship and devotion time
Service activities during the day
Staff-led camp activities + free time in the late afternoon/evening
Evening debriefing of the day (processing) and Bible study/discussion
Nightly campfire devotions
Service Projects:
We are intentional about using service opportunities to frame deeper conversations and impact. We will be in conversation with your group leader prior to the summer in order to choose service projects that fit your group’s skillset and goals. Projects can include:
On-Site Building Projects
On-Site Work Projects
Off-Site Work Projects
Community Outreach and Engagement
On-Site Day Camp Program