Youth Camp Housing Options 2025

Where should I stay?

The daily schedule for Pathfinder, Trailblazer, and Discovery is similar regardless of housing accommodations. Each day campers will prepare one meal outdoors, with all other meals served in the Dining Hall. Villages have no electricity, but are equipped with a kitchen center, fire circle, water spigot, and privy, and are supported by a common bathhouse with showers, sinks, toilets, and changing rooms. Staying in a village offers the opportunity to spend more time outdoors and a more “rustic” lifestyle.


Tour our villages without leaving your chair!


Housing Options

Retreat Center

- Dormitory style housing
- Each room consists of one bunk-bed and two single beds
- Shared bathrooms and shower facilities



- Five themed villages (Pioneer, Ark, Fort, Tower, and Treehouse) used for Pathfinder and Trailblazer programs.
- Two rustic cabin villages (Five Pines and Birch Knoll) used for Quest and Impact programs.
- Shared bathrooms and shower facilities