Camp Luther is still open for youth retreats this winter and spring, including confirmation retreats. If you have questions or would like more information about scheduling a retreat for your group, contact Shuphyl at

Summer Retreats | School-Year Retreats

Summer Confirmation Camp.JPG

Summer Confirmation Retreat

Bring your confirmation class to Camp Luther for a special time of group building, fellowship and instruction. Four 1-hour sessions are included in the schedule for you to use as learning or group building sessions with your group. The remainder of the retreat is planned and led by Camp Luther staff. Groups can expect activities such as swimming, kayaking, capture-the-flag, campfire devotions, cooking out, and challenge course.

Start Preparing for 2024!

Important Information:

Dates:Please contact Shuphyl for availability

  • Session One: August 11-13, 2024

  • Session Two: August 13-15, 2024


$140 per person

Adult Leaders:

Camp Luther requires one adult per eight youth, with at least one male and female adult for co-ed groups. Any required adults attend the retreat for FREE.


Housing for these retreats is in one of our five villages (Tower, Pioneer, Treehouse, Ark, Fort), tent villages, or the Retreat Center. Housing will be assigned by Camp Luther - although we take the requests and needs of our attending groups into consideration; the large number of different groups involved in each of these retreats means that your group may not be able to stay in your first choice housing option. If your group is assigned housing in the Retreat Center, this will be a shared housing space with other groups. Adult leaders may choose to stay with their group (if your group is assigned village housing) or share housing in the Retreat Center with adult leaders from other churches.

How to Register:

Download a paper copy of the registration form below and return to Camp Luther.


Contact Shuphyl (Retreat Program Manager) at with questions or to request more information.

*We do not collect medical information for these retreats, but do recommend you have forms for each student and provide a blank form if you do not already have one in use at your congregation. 


School Year Retreats

School-Year 2023-2024 Confirmation Retreats

Bring your confirmation class to Camp Luther for a special time of group building, fellowship and instruction. 2-4 one-hour sessions are typically included in the schedule for you to use as learning or group building sessions with your group. We are also able to modify the retreat schedule to meet the specific needs of your group. The remainder of the retreat is planned and led by Camp Luther staff. Groups can expect to be encouraged in their faith, provided with opportunities for community and fellowship, and have a ton of fun!


We offer weekend confirmation retreats throughout the year. Contact us for availability or to inquire about specific dates. 

Retreats begin with registration from 7:00-8:00pm. One-night retreats end after supper on Saturday and two-night retreats end before lunch on Sunday.


$100 (1 night/3 meals)
$120 (2 nights/4 meals)

Adult Leaders?

Camp Luther requires one adult per eight youth, with at least one male and female adult for co-ed groups. Any required adults attend the retreat for FREE.


Housing for these retreats is in our Retreat Center, which provides modern dorm-style accommodations for our guests.

Ready to Register? 

Download the Registration Form for School Year Confirmation Retreats.


Contact Shuphyl (Retreats Program Manager) at with questions or to request more information.

*We do not collect medical information for these retreats, but do recommend you have forms for each student and provide a sample form if you do not already have one in use at your congregation.